Monday, February 26, 2018


This course looks like it will bring us a lot of interest! I have found it unique and new. What made it special and enticing is that we are learning new thing that it is available in front of us, but we hadn't noticed it before!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Available and haven't noticed them before, that's true! However the problem is that we have absolutely heard of them but haven't even try to search or use them. Frankly, I wanted to do my own blog before taking the course, but I didn't have the chance lol!

  3. All information are very unique and very new to most of us.

  4. we haven't see before such information as we have seen in this course. In this course , we are learning many information about computers and when we was learning our majors, we were learning the basics of computers while in this course we will learn more and more.


Designing A Curriculum Effectively

       A fundamental demonstration of our calling is the making of educational programs and learning encounters to meet indicated reason. ...