Tuesday, April 3, 2018

My Unforgettable Teacher

Almost everyone we know has been turned around, or at least seriously shaken, by
A teacher-in college, maybe, but often in high school, by a man or woman who drove
home a point or two about physics, literature, or ethics and look at us sternly and said, in
 effect, you could be more than what you are. (Denby, 2016). I have passed by a similar
thing. A Math male teacher who taught me Math in my Life Sciences grade in a public
school at Bekaa valley has influenced me too much. This teacher has changed my look at
Mathematics. I have always found Math a hard and boring class before I met this man.
 From that day after, Math is a nice, enjoyable and interesting course.
         My teacher has many great teaching skills. He always supported us in every
situation and whatever student’s level is. Each student found the support he needs and motivations he misses from him. Every day he enters the class, he recalls the whole explained information that has given before, so he can build the new information based on the explained one in order for ideas not to become disconnected. I love his organization for the given ideas, he gives description and interpretation for every single information, and he analyzes, synthesizes and then applies the described information step by step.
        A teacher’s character is the whole story. It leads him/her to act in a great or a bad way. The most beautiful point in my teacher’s character is his personality. He was able to help any student to learn. I remembered one of my classmates who was so lazy to study, he had failed the whole courses we have taken except at Math, it was like a “wow” for us and for the administration. That all returns to our teacher’s conscious toward every single person at the class and to his way in sending his message for different mind’s thinking levels. One of the best things he used to manage is his time management. He uses time precisely and effectively. In addition, he was able to adopt new curriculum and uses new strategies in teaching. Math periods were passing like a blink of an eye!
       Modeling was observable in his way; he has had his own way in teaching. He accepts every single idea given from students even if some others find it a “silly” idea, he was, in contrast, showing interest in hearing students’ different ideas he shows information is valuable and worth learning. When students’ given ideas are irrelevant, he gives emotional support and makes students happy and proud for sharing their ideas and information.
For sure the principals and administration of a school play a crucial role in supporting the teacher to do all his/her best as a teacher. My school’s administration was so friendly and understanding in every situation, which makes students as teachers comfortable and happily loving teaching. Barett and Breyer claimed that in an environment where principals demonstrate efficacy pedagogy and lead teachers in learning and adopting effective strategies, teachers can be both motivated and energized to implement fresh approaches to teaching. (2014).
       I’ve learned anything in my time as a teacher, it’s that the only heroes in this story are kids who go to school and do their best despite the systems that are keeping them down. (Mullis, 2015). So as a conclusion, students are the center of view in schools who will flourish and nourish the society they live in. This development and building needs a good leader to orient each single ability in the right direction, and later on, this leader will see him/herself in the eyes of these builders.            


  1. qualified teachers with these fancy characteristics of kindness ,warm feelings ,good personalities,deep knowledge,with their professional educational techniques,are the leaders who create within us a hope for a better generations.

  2. Some teachers used to teach students they way they are taught, so it's important to be a good model for our students and we should never forget to have our own way and identity.


Designing A Curriculum Effectively

       A fundamental demonstration of our calling is the making of educational programs and learning encounters to meet indicated reason. ...