Google drive was something new I have not noticed before. I have learned to save documents and share it with others.
It is interesting; whenever I want I am able to access all my documents and forms.
-Google Docs:
Google documents are something new that I have learned about also, I am able now to post online exams, quizes, assessments and many different teaching techniques.
Blogs are something totally new; I am able to comment, watch and follow many events for particular people from the behind of screens.
Many documents are able to be uploaded within.

webinars will involve us socially with so many beautiful topics, as if we are attending universal conferences.
Padlets are so interesting. As a teacher, I am able now to engage all my students whenever i need, it is so warming. Now, they are able to evaluate and reflect themselves interestingly. That is so cute.
Rubistar is totally a new experience that is so effective and useful. As teachers, rubrics are essential through our work. It is the basement of assessment process. Such website is so useful due to its richness in variety criteria for different rubrics.
WebQuest is such a new experience. It is so effective in designing workshops with students, such as researches, surveys, questionnaires, reports, that will be done by students under the guidance of teacher through such a website. It is really unique.
The usage of this website is so interesting. It looks like the power point in some common points, but it is a bit different. It is so useful while assessing students especially the small ones. In addition, it grabs their attention according to its colors, shapes and fonts. It is so interesting.
Kahoot is one of my bests! It is totally a new experience. Through it, I am able to assess my students competitively in an interested, effective and unique way. As a teacher, I absolutely would like to experience it as a way of an assessment, so I can make my students work competitively, to in the first class.
VCTs are the best! It was totally a new experience to think of as a teacher. i have learned from it a lot; a variety of projects were done by my friends from different majors, so I got an idea from each of them that I can use some of it in my career as a teacher. Conducting surveys and performing projects in such a way is so interesting for students, as well as teachers. It will bring a lot of interest!
This course is very handy. It enlightened up my way in the educational journey. Additionally, it aided me with lots of moves that I would advocate while teaching through technology.