Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Webinar 1: 12 Keys to High-Quality Early Childhood Inclusion

This webinar represented by Kathy Wahl. She aimed through this webinar to show the audience the importance of co-learning that is the inclusion in classrooms to include the whole students, even those with certain disabilities, within the same classroom for further improvements for such students with such disabilities, so students with disabilities will be mixed and addressed with normal students.
She claimed that kids need to feel that they do belong to a certain group, in other words to feel that they are valuable, in order to engage learning and feel that they are a part and a member in a community or even in a classroom. This will beneficially helps them engage the acquired curriculum effectively. Then, students will feel respectful so they will feel also safe and healthy.
Such results need some efforts that will bring benefits not only for those students with certain disabilities, but also to their parents and then communities. As for teachers, one must do certain activities, after the inclusion within a classroom, to engage students effectively, such as having pictures for students, holding their names in walls, knowing their hobbies and interests then provide them with some, and many other simple activities that will have a big positive impact.
Person First Terminology is an approach for such careers, where this model aims to respectfully referring to a person with disability by placing the person ahead of his/her label or disability. This will show that each person has value. It is the first step towards changing negative perceptions and attitudes about people with disabilities. This model emphasizes the importance of inclusion that is by definition, an attitude, a philosophy that promotes the sense of belonging, community and membership, it also values differences and diversity that will lead to the building of positive social relationships and friendships and promotes reaching full developmental and learning potential.
Inclusive programs mainly are as follows;
-         Use Evidence-Based practices
-         Creatively adapt activities to that each child can participate.
-         Make reasonable modifications to policies, practices and procedures.
-         Embed children’s developmental goals into daily routines.
-         Welcome all children!
Least Restrictive Environment is a low, which emphasizes that school districts must ensure to the maximum extent appropriate that students with disabilities ages 3-21 are educated with children who are not disabled and participate in non-academic and extra-curricular activities with children who are not disabled. A logo was done for such classes holds the letters ICP, stands for Inclusive Classroom Profile, to complement existing classroom quality measure and standards.
This ICP item measures 12 areas of inclusive practice,
1.     Adaptations of space and materials.
2.     Adult involvement in peer interactions.
3.     Adult’s guidance of children’s activities and play.
4.     Conflict resolution.
5.     Membership
6.     Relations between adults and children.
7.     Support for communications.
8.     Adaptation of group activities.
9.     Transitions between activities.
10.                        Feedback.
11.                        Family-professional partnerships.
12.                        Maintaining children’s learning.
Its benefits for children with disabilities are frequent;
-         Seen as a child first, special needs second
-         Observe and imitate other children
-         Become more independent and self-reliant
-         Learn to cope and problem solve
-         Learn appreciate social skills
-         Make new friends
-         Increase their self-esteem through helping others
-         Decrease fears and prejudices.
This will bring benefits for communities too;
-         Promotes acceptance of individual differences throughout the community
-         Provides more collaboration of resources within the community
-         Creates an environment of welcoming and belonging.

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