Tuesday, April 3, 2018

An Observation Regarding Behaviorism and Cognitive Theory

        Attending science classes is so beneficial; I have observed many different things. Observing a teacher’s way, experience and model creates a critical thinking on our thinking to judge him/her whether he/she is acting well or not, or if I was on his/her shoes, would I act on that way or not… One important issue I could value and analyze is the teacher’s model he/she uses. I have attended  a biology class at grade eight in a private school on my village at Al-Bekaa valley and observed the model the teacher have used. It’s really funny to evaluate other teachers and learn from their experience!
       When the teacher entered a class, he had some types of routines by giving students few time to put their books in front of them and prepare their stuffs (pens, Papers,…) and get ready for explanation. The teacher alerted them that he will start explanation so the whole eyes were looking on the board then. The lesson’s title was “Non Specific Immune Response”. He started by an open-ended question from real life. Each student was answering and responding with him, like how can we stay away from pathogens? How can we protect our bodies against them?... Then made questions more specific; who is responsible for defending these pathogens and keep us safe from them?... by explaining each word’s meaning in Arabic. By this way, the teacher put them in the mood of the lesson and made for them a general idea about what the lesson is about to search for these questions and find the answers through explanation. After that, the teacher started with the first part of the lesson which is about the outer barrier on our body which is the skin, later on inner barriers found in some body systems. While explaining new ideas, he was asking students different questions triggering their previous knowledge and building the new ones based on their experience. He followed this strategy till the end of the explained information during that period.
        It’s obvious that this teacher has used the cognitive theory where he was applying different basic principles regarding this theory. His learning and development strategy were based on learners experience by recalling their prior knowledge through asking different questions while explaining. Also, learners were constructing understanding in an effort to make sense of experience so that their understanding was depending on what they already know. It is important to create an atmosphere of cooperation among students by discussing some answers and different point of views specially the answers of the questions regarding their pre-knowledge, so by this way, constructing understanding was facilitated by this way of social interaction through loudly thinking among students. Furthermore, the real life questions allowed students to do well what they practice doing and to link the new explained information to many small details they faced through their daily life, so that the learning experience they acquired is concrete and connected to the real world. I can summarize what I observed about this theory is that learners do not passively record what they see, hear, or read. Rather, they build and construct understanding of these experiences that makes sense to them, so that the understanding they construct depends on their existing knowledge, and social interaction. In contradiction for behaviorism, where learning occurs when a student respond to questions based on experience only and where the number of correct responses depends on reinforcement and punishment, which is on in my opinion, a traditional theory that needs some development and adjustment.
           Motivation to learn also requires an orderly learning environment instruction that helps learners succeed on activities they perceive. So success on these activities can be increased with concrete and personalized examples, high levels of involvement, and detailed feedback about learning progress. (Eggen & Kauchak, 2002). This what cognitive theory serves where motivating students to answer and discuss their ideas even if it’s wrong or irrelevant, but creating the sense of sharing, discussing and challenging will lead them to reach new tasks and activities easily and with high spirits. Sincero claimed that the cognitive learning theory explains why the brain is the most incredible network of information processing and interpretation in the body as we learn things (2001). So cognitive theory is dependent on the work of our brains. By motivating students to answer, they will bring their pre-information from their long term memory into the short term memory, integrate it with the new information creating new ideas then send it back for the long term memory. All shows the importance of using the cognitive theory through our teaching systems.
         As a conclusion, the cognitive theory must be applied in teaching strategies to help our students build their ideas and own critical thinking by making them able to analyze things around them. Eggen and Kauchak claimed that teachers who believe that they can get students to learn regardless of circumstances, who model their own interest in the topics they teach, who are caring, and who have positive expectations for their students increase students’ motivation to learn (2002). Thus a teacher must believe on him/herself that a change can happen by their work and effort to make each student able to observe and analyze everything around them they face through their daily life.

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