Tuesday, April 3, 2018

An Observation Regarding Professional Knowledge

Being a teacher is not easy; it needs a lot of effect and hard work to achieve this mission well. A teacher has to be conscious for every single detail on the classroom; he/she must pay attention for very student and for the explained information precisely.
To be a good teacher seeking for perfection, one must be worthy knowing and applying the professional knowledge, which includes four different kinds of knowledge; knowledge of the content, pedagogical knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge and knowledge of learners and learning.
         I have visited a school in my village and attended a biology class for grade eight to observe the skills applied with the teacher. This teacher, in my opinion, and relying on what I’ve learned about teaching strategies is very good, he was so fluent in the class and I got many benefits from him regarding the “professional knowledge” strategy. His knowledge of content was so good, so he was prepared and well-knowing enough the explained info more than the required basics. In addition, his pedagogical knowledge was great, he was able to revise each explained idea and link it with the previous ones. He has a very good way in presenting topics and he is able to make the information easier. By this way, I felt that every student in the class got the information, understood it and was able to apply it with the required exercises.
          Furthermore, the teacher’s general pedagogical knowledge was great; he has nice instructional strategies in solving activities and questioning. His classroom management also attracted me, when a student misbehaved during the session; he directed a question to him and brought him back to the lesson. I touched during his section the sense of teaching students as unique individuals and not teaching content, by adapting the ways students already know and to what fits their understanding.
        As a conclusion, a teacher must take care and pay attention for each student in the classroom and consider each as a unique individual according to the student’s level of concentration, so that, the teacher can handle every situation in the class without leaving negative effects on the required information and affecting students’ understanding method in order to let information reaches each student as it might be given.  

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think that Classroom Dynamics course is one of the most significant courses that will last forever with me as a teacher. Based on how you described the teacher you have observed, I feel like he is aware of different issues we have learned about in Dynamics course. I wish we can all apply what we have learned and seek to be one of those who keep on reflecting and evaluating oneself.


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